Todd Haggerty serves as Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business Strategy & Chief Financial Officer at the University of Colorado Boulder.
As CFO, Todd provides university-wide leadership and broad strategic oversight in the monitoring, management, and control of the approximately $2 billion financial resources of CU Boulder. As VC for Finance and Business Strategy, Todd oversees strategic university functions including budget and finance, business and capital strategy, and auxiliary services.
Prior to joining CU Boulder, Todd served as the chief financial officer at both the University of Colorado Denver and for the Colorado Department of Higher Education. He also served as senior policy specialist with the National Conference of State Legislatures. Throughout his career, Todd has led efforts to improve financial processes, increase transparency, strengthen long-range planning, enable data to inform decisions, and better align resources to support strategic priorities, including student success and scholarship.
Todd holds a bachelor’s degree from Metropolitan State University of Denver and a master’s of public administration from the University of Colorado Denver.