Ovia Health offers a suite of apps to help families throughout each stage of pregnancy and early parenting. Whether you’re trying to conceive, expecting a baby in the near future or parenting a new family member, Ovia has tools and resources for you.
Ovia Pregnancy supports healthy pregnancies by providing timely articles, health and wellness tips, and answers to all of your pregnancy questions. You can use this app to track the growth of your baby, research the impacts of foods and medications, learn about your symptoms, and ultimately deliver a healthier baby.
Ovia Parenting supports families with expert parenting articles, daily tips and guidance based on your child’s age, and the ability to share updates with friends and family. This app can help you identify and understand developmental milestones, track progress and ultimately have an easier transition to life with a new family member.

How to get started
1.) Download the app that’s right for you.
a.) Ovia Fertility | Health & Fertility
b.) Ovia Pregnancy | Pregnancy & Postpartum
c.) Ovia Parenting | Family & Working Parents
2.) During sign-up, choose “I have Ovia Health as a benefit”.
Tap “Sign up” and select your employer.
3.) Explore Ovia Health!
What is Ovia Health?
Ovia Health is a maternity and family benefit that supports your reproductive health and parenting journey with three apps: Ovia Fertility, Ovia Pregnancy and Ovia Parenting. Use Ovia Health to learn more about your health and fertility, get pregnant faster, have a healthier pregnancy, balance life and career, manage your life as a new parent and navigate your fertility, maternity and family benefits. Ovia Health supports you — at home and at work — so you can be a happier, healthier you.
How do I enroll in Ovia Health?
- Download the app that’s right for you:
- Ovia Fertility | Health & Fertility
- Ovia Pregnancy | Pregnancy & Postpartum
- Ovia Parenting | Family & Working Parents
- During sign-up, choose “I have Ovia Health as a benefit”. Tap “Sign up” and select
your employer.
Who is Ovia Health for?
Eligibility by employer
- University of Colorado – Ovia is available to CU Health Plan members.
- CU Medicine – Ovia is available to CU Health Plan members.
Ovia Health is designed to support people who are:
- Interested in tracking their health and fertility
- Pregnant or trying to get pregnant
- Preparing for (or returning from) parental leave
- Parents of children 0-4 years old
- Navigating their fertility, maternity and family benefits
Why should I use Ovia Health?
Enrolling in Ovia Health will give you access to unlimited in-app messaging with a health coach, guidance on the benefits available to you, and daily personalized content and tips. Ovia Health is thoughtfully designed to support your reproductive health and parenting goals, with an app for each stage of your journey.
- Ovia Fertility helps women learn more about their health and fertility with cycle tracking, expert research and tips, and instant data feedback.
- Ovia Pregnancy supports healthy pregnancies by providing timely articles, health and wellness tips, and answers to all of your pregnancy questions.
- Ovia Parenting supports families with expert parenting articles, daily tips and guidance based on your child’s age, and the ability to share milestones with friends and family.
What if I already have an Ovia account?
Go to your profile, choose “Healthcare info” or “Provider info” and tap “Health Plan/Employer.” Enter your employer and health plan information (there may be additional steps to verify your eligibility), and you’ll receive access to Ovia Health!
You’ll still be able to see all your existing data and Ovia features — and you’ll now have access to everything Ovia Health has to offer: in-app messaging with a health coach, personalized content and tips based on your unique health, and navigation of your fertility, maternity, and family benefits.
I’m having trouble enrolling, what do I do?
First, make sure that your information is up to date and that it reflects the name that your HR department has on file. If you are the partner or dependent of an employee with access to Ovia Health, you may need to enter their information to verify eligibility. If you continue experiencing issues, please reach out to support@oviahealth.com.