What is Wellness?
Wellness can be defined as a state of being in good physical and mental health. It’s so much more complicated than that, as many different parts contribute to the whole. For example, being physically injured and unable to walk without crutches can put a strain on not only your physical health, but also your mental health. Check out the National Wellness Institute’s Six Dimensions of Wellness and learn more about what it means to your own definition of wellness.
Be Colorado – Achieve your Best Self
We offer a full spectrum of health and wellness programs that provide support and guidance to help you achieve your best self. Check out what we have to offer on our ever-evolving programs page.
Oral and Dental Wellness
Delta Dental has loads of free resources to help maintain and improve your oral health. Check it out at Delta’s website.
Wellness for your Mind
Have you heard of mindfulness meditation? Mindfulness can be described as an active state of paying attention to the present; sounds, feelings, thoughts, etc. Practicing mindfulness is said to reduce stress, sleep better and feel more in-control. Ever wanted to give it a try? Read this how-to guide and try it today.
Cook like a Pro
The University of Colorado’s Anschutz Health and Wellness Center offers cooking classes FREE of charge all year long on select dates! If you’re looking to cut down on takeout but new to the kitchen, this is a great opportunity for you.
American Diabetes Association Updates Movement Recommendations
Move more often! The American Diabetes Association has updated their recommendation for physical activity for people living with Diabetes. Need some motivation? Be Colorado’s Move. program offers a nice treat for getting the move on! Learn more Move.