Why Some Parents Reject Vaccines
Listen in on this broadcast from Wisconsin Public Radio about the issue of vaccination. Jennifer Reich, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Colorado Denver discusses what motivates parents to vaccinate or not vaccinate.
Get the Picture: Childhood Immunizations
Are you a parent with questions about immunizing your kids? This video discusses some vaccination myths, tips and guidelines for vaccinating your kids.
Vaccines: A History
Did you know, in the year 2000 there were NO reports of Polio across the United States? Check this site out for a history of immunizations and why it is important to get them.
So, What are Vaccines?
Learn about what a vaccine is, types of vaccines and the diseases they prevent and vaccination schedules for kids and adults. You can even see images of some of the diseases that vaccines can prevent. Ick! But, interesting.
Need Help? Check Out This Tool Kit!
Download this free toolkit from National Public Health Information Coalition. This site covers pregnant women, babies and young children, school-age children, preteens and teens and adults, discussing the specific needs of these demographics.
Are Your Kid’s Vaccinations Updated?
Children are often required to have updated vaccinations before returning to school, and school and government officials are urging parents to get their kids (and themselves!) squared away before the school year begins.